Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The word ALLAH is Sanskrit

It might come as a stunning revelation to many that the word ‘ALLAH’ itself is Sanskrit. In Sanskrit language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’ forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasurmardini. The Islamic word for God is., therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess.


  1. It's a pity that most of what people do on the net is copy and recycle old information, instead of providing us with real proof of origin of the unholy satanic word 'Allah'.

    For example, could you please give the people here an example of Hindu words that still exist or have existed where the word is clearly evidenced.


  2. allah's sanskrit means shivaya .... it clearly means that muslims are worshiping lord shiva ....... as MAA Durga mother of our universe and lord shiva is father ......... om namah shivaya !!

    1. Actually, muslims believe in only a single God. Even then, muslims believe He has no partners, companions, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, etc. Further, muslims believe God does not at all resemble any of the creation, and hence he has no shape, size, colour, opacity, body, etc. He also exists without a place, i.e. he doesn't exist, for example, on Mt. Olympus, or in Heaven, or somewhere else. Quite different from Shiva. Also, Allah is just a shortened way to say "Al Ilah" that was formed over time, the root word is Ilah. Ilah is a word that is entirely of semitic origin. I'm not sure how the Sanskrit word Allah is pronounced, but I'm ~80% sure it would be quite different from the Arabic pronounciation.

    2. Allah Ama Amba Ila are the synonyms in Sanskrit for Adishakti or Primordial Energy or mother from where the Whole Universe manifested into multiple forms like Parashakti or Apara shakti and other forms of Energy. You can mean the super consciousnes as formless God or with love and devotion you can mean as close relationship like mother father or master which is bhakti marg to get response faster or realize god. So Islamic view of God is not new like to reach vast unknown ocean you follow a connected river. Sanatan culture approves all path.

  3. We all are part of supreme being. It is immaterial how we name it or who follows whom; it is a process of supreme realization that evolves within mankind.

  4. There is no established presentable proof, nor evidence from any Sanskrit reference dictionary, that the word Allah, is the word or name for a Hindu goddess, nor that indeed the word is Sanskrit. Look around, investigate, read, ask, research and study. There is no Sanskrit dictionary nor Hindi dictionary that says it is. In fact, we (the Christians) we would like to know the slource of this information, because it would seem that this has come only from one source that has been passed around by others, and still doesn't not share where it came from. And if we are to beat, win, instruct, correct, demolish, abolish or tear down the Allah of the Arab world and Muslims, then we need something to show them, and until now, there is not much, just somebody's word online.


    1. Perhaps this would satisfy you. Thanks

  5. Well, you need to look at the sanskrit text called 'sanskrit shabd dhatu rupavali' . Literaly thats the book on etymology and derivation of most words .Now when you look closely at evolution or transition of sanskrit you will not fail to notice that it had several stages , one remarkably different then other as time progressed . This somtimes explains our inability to translate or we misunderstand lots of vedic literature. Right from vedic times to ours , we have seen great transition words being used to term the same entity. Even if we look at this stages as three distinct ones namely vedic , classical and modern puranic , there is great variation found.
    Now coming to our wors allah, yes the book of roots of words clearly shows that mother godess has been referred as Amma, Amba, Akka and Alla during various times and zones.This may not be there in most modern dictionaries as they were simply put forward during last two hundred years , largely by europeans who worked very hard but had insufficient contextual understanding. Amma is the root for term mom or mother across all cultures and likewise
    Alla-h for allah.
    Jatin Botadra.

  6. Regarding Sanskrit shabd roopavly, where could I buy it and is it in English or Hindi. My email is:

  7. goddess durga is supreme being Allah and om and Shiva are only her counterparts

  8. references???? .. check Rigveda Book 3 Hymn 30 V. 10 dan Rigveda Book 9 Hymn 67 V. 30

  9. The Sanskrit word is allaa, meaning mother. It is a feminine word अल्ला and is not related to the Arabic masculine word Allah (al ilah, "the god"). Subhamoy Das wrote and credited the original article to Swami Sivananda's teachings. Swami Sivananda was decidedly universalist, so it should come as no surprise that he would link Muslim Allah and Hinduism.

  10. Allah is Sanskrit word that Prophet chose from the few other options.

    Probably, prophets guru might have been a Hindu

  11. Allah is Sanskrit word that Prophet chose from the few other options.

    Probably, prophets guru might have been a Hindu

  12. the words ALLAH and Muhammad pbuh in the vedas
    Reader comment on item: Still Asleep After Mumbai
    in response to reader comment: Cherry picking time and our dear bayezid and his little foray in Hebrew

    Submitted by bayezid (Bangladesh), Jan 7, 2009 at 01:02

    as for the word ALLAH and muhammad in the vedas .................

    Uttarayan Vedas:

    " La Ilha Harti Papam
    Illa Ilaha Param Padam
    Janma Baikuntha Par Aup-inuti
    Janpi Namo Muhammadam "
    Approximate Meaning:There is no shelter but "La Ilaha ... ... ... ..." to get rid of sin. The shelter of Ilah (Allah) is the actual shelter. If one is born on earth, there is no alternative to getting salvation from sin but to take shelter in Ilah (Allah). And for this, it is essential to follow the path shown by Muhammad.

    Atharva-Vedic Upanishad ||9||:

    "Aushwa illaley Mitravaruna-Raja Tashmat-Tani Divyani
    Punastang Dudhya Habaiyami Milang Kabar Illallang
    Alla-rahsul Mahamad Rakang Baraswa
    Alla Allam Illallotey Illalla"

    Approximate Meaning: At an appropriate time, a Great man named MAHAMMAD will appear, whose abode will be in the desert (Arabia). He will be accompanied by his companions.


    "Hotermindra Hotermindra Mahashurindraiy:
    Alla Jeyshthang Paramang Purnang Brhman Aullam
    Aadalla Bukmekkam Alla Buk Nikhatkam Aulley Aullam."
    Translation: The Supreme! The Most Exalted! The Most Powerful is HE. Alla is the best and the Greatest (or Highest). He is the Supreme, Complete and One without any Fault (Error etc.). He us Uncomparable. Alla is Comparable to Alla alone.


    "Alla Mahamadkang Baraswa ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
    Translation: Accept Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah as an example to be followed.

    oh but i thought that the quraysh was only in arabia. how do we have the words ALLAH and muhammad peace be upon him in the vedas which came tyhousands of years before the quran ???? or the bible. or the torah?

    this reminds me of what ALLAH says in the quran , thought you should know :

    quran 34:49 -"Say,'The truth has come, Falsehood cannot originate or regenerate.'"

    1. No one treats these as authentic. There is no word as Mohammed in any of the Vedas. In Sanskrit, the meaning of that word closest to Mohammed which is Mahaamad literally means mad-fellow.

      Hope that explains the absurdity of the quotations above !!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is an interesting theory, but "Allah" is actually an Arabic term that is a form of "Al Ilah" that was shortened over time, "Al" means "The". Therefore, the true origin of the term Allah is just the word Ilah. Ilah here means God/Lord.

  15. मोहम्मद ने सबसे पहले अरब में दुर्गा माता का पेट्र टेंपल तोड़ा इस्लामिक एविल अरेबिक और असुरिया Assyria असीरी आशुरो को मानते थे और आशुर के लिए आशूरा मानते हैं मोहम्मद वैदिक हिस्ट्री को मिटाकर नया अल्लाह बनाया
